Join WEA
Becoming a WEA Member
WEA membership is available to public school employees: teachers, support professionals, substitutes, coaches, higher education faculty, etc.
Why Join?
Join Now!
If you are employed in public education in Washington state and represented by one of the more than 370 local associations affiliated with WEA, you can join now by visiting eJoin, our easy and secure online enrollment process!
Need a little help with eJoin online enrollment? We have created some handy eJoin Guides - available to help you with the enrollment process.
Other Types Of Membership:
WEA-PAC Membership
WEA-PAC is the Washington Education Association political action committee. Our mission is to recommend and elect pro-public education, pro-labor candidates to office. You can enroll online here.
Student Membership
Student Membership is available to those who are enrolled in a postsecondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA. You can enroll online here.
WEA-Retired Membership
As a member of WEA/NEA-Retired you remain a part of the nation's largest advocacy voice for public education. Join or renew here.
Associate and Reserve Membership
Former WEA Active members, (certificated or educational support professional), including those on an unpaid leave of absence from public education employment are eligible for Reserve membership.
Association membership is open to community members who are public education supporters: Associate/Reserve member enrollment form.